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Custom 3-D Printed Nasal Mask for Measuring Nasal Airflow: A Cost Effective Method with Design Flexibility

Journal of Otolaryngology-ENT Research
WhiteDE1*, ShakeelM 2, Bartley J2,3, MakinsonD4 and Whittington C1
School of Engineering, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand


The nasal cycle controls the balance between heat and water fluxes and enables cells and glands to rest and recharge. Nasal drying is reported frequently during nasal applied CPAP in sleep apnoea patients. There is no current mask system that allows continuous inter-nasal airflow measurement to be recorded during both ambient and pressurised breathing. However, we have developed such a mask system utilizingstandard nasal pillows and mounting head-gear produced using 3-D printing. Inter-nasal airflow was detected and continuously logged for both ambient and pressurised conditions. This system detects airflow continuously over both inhalation and exhalation phases of breathing in human beings.


Nasal cycle, Airflow sensor, 3-D printing, Computer-aided-design, Continuous positive airway pressure, Nasal mask, Design flexibility, Nasal drying, CPAP, Nasal airflows
