Journal of Pediatrics & Neonatal Care
Befekadu Tesfaye Oyato,1
Beyene Golo
Mulugeta Feyisa,1
Tariku Regea,1
Adugna Alemu,1
Husen Zakir Abasimel,1
Andualem Gezahagn,1
Ifa Dereje,2
Henok Abebayehu Delelegn2
Background: Breastfeeding technique is defined as the positioning of the mother and baby,
the baby’s attachment to the breast, and suckling during nursing, all of which are crucial for
successful breastfeeding. Appropriate and longer breastfeeding practices have numerous
benefits for both mothers and babies. Moreover, ineffective breastfeeding techniques are a
cause of death for thousands of newborns every year. In Ethiopia, the practice of effective
breastfeeding techniques remained low. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the practice
of effective breastfeeding techniques and associated factors among breastfeeding mother-infant pairs in Dugda district, Central Ethiopia, 2023.
Methods: A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted from June 20 to August
20, 2023, in Dugda district on a total of 620 breastfeeding mother-infant pairs who were
selected using a multistage sampling technique. Ethical clearance and approval were
secured from the Ethical Review Board of Salale University with reference number SLUIRB/53/23. The WHO’s breastfeeding observational checklist and a face-to-face interview
were used to collect the data.
Bi-variable and multivariable binary logistic regression analyses were employed. An
adjusted odds ratio coupled with a 95% CI was used to determine a significant association.
Results: The prevalence of effective breastfeeding techniques in this study was 43.4%
(95% CI: 39.1%, 47.4%). Having antenatal care follow-up (AOR: 2.24; 95% CI: 1.21,
4.14), having prior information about breast feeding techniques (AOR: 5.78; 95% CI: 3.95,
8.46), being multipara (AOR: 2.21; 95% CI: 1.47, 3.33), and having educational levels of
primary education (AOR: 2.42; 95% CI: 1.44, 4.06) and secondary education and above
(AOR: 2.85; 95% CI: 1.73, 4.69) were significantly associated with effective breastfeeding
Conclusion: The prevalence of effective breastfeeding techniques in the study area was
relatively low. Therefore, empowering women in education, promoting utilisation of ANC
follow-up and disseminating information about breastfeeding techniques could be the key
implication for effective breastfeeding techniques. Special emphasis should be given to
primipara mothers because they are new for nursing their infants.
effective breastfeeding technique, lactating mothers, cross-sectional study, Dugda district, Ethiopia