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Could prayer’s info-energy restore the distorted informational field in the extracellular space of cancerous tissue?


This article explains for the first time how stress (negative emotions or just negative thinking) causes cancer or chronic disease of the genetically inherited weak organ. For the first time, it is explained why for some individuals stress leads to chronic disease of the genetically inherited weak organ, while for other individuals it leads to cancer of the genetically inherited weak organ. It is believed to be with genetic predisposition, but for the first time this article explains what this means. 1/ Stress causes chronic disease of genetically inherited weak organ when the integrating energy within the cell is weak. This makes the cellular biorhythms of the genetically-inherited weak organ weakly integrated and easily disintegrated by stress, which by causing delays disorders the biorhythms, and results in chronic disease. 2/ Stress causes cancer of the genetically inherited weak organ, when the integrating energy between the cells is weak. When the weak extracellular energy is farther weakened by stress, at critically low energy stacked-coin formations appear between the cells, which disconnect the cells. The disconnected cells start to multiply fast as they would do in the case of cut wound, to heal the wound fast. However, in the case of wound the cells are ruled where to go by the current of regrowth. In the case of cancer, they multiply senselessly, which is called malignancy. Since both energies - within the cells and in the extracellular space - are informational nonlinear electromagnetic fields (NEMFs) and prayer is information, prayer should be able to influence the cellular organization in the case of chronic diseases, and the extracellular formations in the case of cancer.


Stress and cancer; stress and chronic diseases; cancer is with genetic predisposition; explaining the genetic predisposition
