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Blood parameters of male and female Holstein calves at birth and weaning in Mediterranean climate conditions

MOJ Ecology & Environmental Sciences
Serap Göncü,<sup>1</sup> Sena Doğan,<sup>1</sup> İbrahim EREZ,<sup>2</sup> Erdinç Yasin Dinç,<sup>1</sup> İrem Vuslat Fırat,<sup>1 </sup>Murat Görgülü<sup>3</sup>

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Blood parameters are important for monitoring the health status, growth perfomance, nutritional status, and early of problem diagnosis. Blood parameters provide important information on the metabolic, immunological and nutritional status of calves. For this reason, there is a need to determine the ideal values of blood values obtained under different conditions in calves and to determine blood values for herd management planning. The study was carried out with 54 healthy Holstein calves blood sample between October and May in an intensive dairy herd in the Mediterranean region. The average birth weight of the calves was 37.52±0.424 kg and the average weaning weight was 72.25±0.32 kg. The calves were fed colostrum milked from their mothers half an hour after birth by using a bucket with a nipple. After the colostrum period, calves were fed with whole milk (Table 2) from the milking cows of the facility for 56 days for a total of 4 kg twice a day from the bucket until weaning. From the 4th day until weaning, starter feed, dry alfalfa grass and water were given freely to the calves during the liquid feeding period. In the study, the veterinary surgeon collected blood samples from the tail vein in non-anticoagulant tubes within the framework of the necessary rules after birth and at weaning. Blood samples were transferred to the laboratory as soon as possible. The blood samples were stored at -20 °C until analyzed.
As a result of the analyses, the effect of sex on the analysis of blood parameters at birth and weaning period in male and female Holstein calves in Mediterranean climatic conditions was found to be different at the level of P<0.037 for glucose value and P<0.059 for Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase GGT value. For Phosphorus (P) value, the interaction effect was found to be different at P<0,037 level. The GGT values of female calves were 34,88 Ul/l at birth and 26,85 Ul/l at weaning, while the values of male calves were 31.06 Ul/l at birth and 23,59 Ul/l at weaning. Glucose levels of female calves were 55,06 mg/dl at birth and 38.08 mg/dl at weaning, and 53,67 mg/dl at birth and 37,73 mg/dl at weaning in male calves. Phosphorus value in female calves was 9,80 mg/dl at birth and 7,73 mg/dL at weaning; in male calves it was 8,37 mg/dL at birth and 8,79 mg/dL at weaning.


Mediterranean, sex, Holstein, calf, birth, weaning, blood parameters
