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The role of α–Fe and metal oxides nanoparticles on the structural properties of high–temperature spintronic EuO:Fe composite

Physics & Astronomy International Journal
Arnold S Borukhovich
Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg, Russia


Based on the available experimental and theoretical data, the role of the a–Fe nanoparticles and higher metallic oxides in the structure of the EuO: Fe composite on the formation of a complex of inherent physical parameters is tracked. That along with the presence of a limited solid solution Eu1–xFexO in its structure contributes to the chemical stability of this high–temperature spin injector under normal conditions.


nanoparticles, metallic oxides, physical parameters, solid solution, europium monoxide, multiphase composites, spintronic composite material, high–temperature solid–phase reduction method, crystalline, paramagnetic particles, metallic iron, semiconductor, environmental conditions, paramagnetism, magnetic studies
