Reasons of ball lightning levitation
- Physics & Astronomy International Journal
Anatoly I Nikitin
Descriptions of observations of the movement of ball lightning down from the cloud and
up to the cloud are given. Based on this, it was concluded that it has a positive charge. The
case was considered when ball lightning resisted the action of the wind due to attraction to
the cloud. Examples of ball lightning “hovering” at a certain height above the ground are
described. To explain this, a hypothesis was proposed about formation in the space between
ball lightning and the conductor a cloud of clusters having a charge of the same sign as the
charge of ball lightning. This idea was tested experimentally. It is shown that the process
of formation of a “cloud” of charges near ball lightning can be the reason for the existence
of groups of ball lightning associated with each other. Examples of descriptions of ball
lightning movement near a flying aircraft and inside its cabin are given. An explanation of
these events is given.
ball lightning, motion, charge, levitation over conductors, groups of ball lightning