Emotional, academic and sociodemographic characteristics of irregular University Students in Guanajuato, Mexico
- Journal of Psychology & Clinical Psychiatry
Gerardo Ruvalcaba Palacios,1 Claudia Marcela
Cantú Sánchez,1 Ma. Eugenia Barreto Arias,1 Xiomara
Yuritza Ruvalcaba Galván2
The study of the emotional and social variables involved in academic performance has recently received a lot of attention. Aim: To identify, in irregular students at a public university in the state of Guanajuato, their sociodemographic, academic, and emotional characteristics. Method: Without a specific sample size, a non-probabilistic, descriptive, transversal study was carried out. Students of both sexes; with high levels of failure where included. In them, academic and sociodemographic characteristics, levels of stress, anxiety and depression were measured. Results: A total of 70 students participated, belonging to all majors and semesters offered for one division of a public university at Guanajuato, México. They had 3 failed subjects on average. Over 90% were single, had no children, were of a medium socioeconomic level and did not practice relaxation. On average, their level of depression was Mild, anxiety was Moderate, and they perceived the environment to be moderately stressful. In general, the sociodemographic variables did not correlate with the students’ grade point average; However, correlations were found between anxiety and the level of stress (rs = 0.713; p= .000); and between anxiety and depression (rs = 0.814; p= .000); indicating that students with high levels of anxiety also present high levels of stress and depression. Conclusion: the academic, sociodemographicE and emotional characteristics of irregular students must be considered when implementing psychological interventions as they significantly influence their permanence at the university.
sociodemographic characteristics, irregular students, academic stress, stress, anxiety, depression