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Myxoid liposarcoma of the right lower limb

Hematology & Transfusion International Journal
Gallardo Navarro Elias,1 García Rodríguez Francisco Mario,1 Mancera Steiner Carlos,1 Adame Paredes Raúl,2 Mansilla Alba Armando,2 García Cabrera Daniel2


It is known that the diagnosis of these tumors can be delayed due to the lack of specific symptoms, and this delay in diagnosis and the large size that these lesions can reach significantly influence the prognosis and treatment of the disease, sometimes putting in danger, the functional preservation of the affected limb. The main objective in the treatment is to preserve the limb. We present a case of myxoid liposarcoma located in the right thigh in a 57-year-old patient who presented to pain in the right lower extremity.


liposarcoma, soft tissue tumor, radiotherapy
