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Potential of arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea) starch nanocrystal in edible bioplastic straw production

MOJ Ecology & Environmental Sciences
Esa Ghanim Fadhallah,1 Lathifa Indraningtyas,1 Rifda Mardhiyah,2 Aura Sabrina Dewanti,2 Made Chendy Claudia Maya Virta,2 Elthalia Salsabila2


Indonesia produces approximately 2.5 liters of waste per capita daily, accumulating to 625 million liters nationwide, with continual increases due to population growth and environmental changes. This surge necessitates innovative alternatives to conventional plastics to curb plastic waste proliferation. A promising solution is developing bioplastic straws from arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea) starch, composed of 24.64% amylose and 73.46% amylopectin. The high amylose content makes it an ideal, strong, and flexible raw material for bioplastic straw production. This study aimed to explore the potency of arrowroot starch nanocrystal as an edible straw material. The concept of edible straw material utilizes nanocrystalline arrowroot starch as the main component, enhanced with chitosan as a polymer, glycerol as a plasticizer, and synthetic food colorants and flavorings. The goal is to explore and establish the process for creating non-food products from agricultural starch and assess their societal and environmental impacts. The nanocrystalline starch is extracted from arrowroot tubers using a wet method and modified through acid hydrolysis. It is then processed with water, glycerol, chitosan, and synthetic additives, heated, and molded into straws. The resulting edible straws from nanocrystalline arrowroot starch have the potential to offer unique taste, color, and thicker consistency compared to traditional plastic straws, presenting an eco-friendly and innovative alternative in waste management.


arrowroot, bioplastic, nanocrystals, starch, straw
