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Review of occupational health and safety management systems

MOJ Public Health
Elias Bedoya Marrugo,1 Daniela Patricia Ramos Balseiro,2 Lina María Ríos Blanco2


The Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SGSST) must be led and implemented by the employer or contractor, with the participation of the workers and/or contractors, guaranteeing through said system, the application of safety measures. Safety and health at work includes the improvement of workers’ behavior, conditions, and the work environment also the effective control of hazards and risks in the workplace. Having in Note that Colombian law indicates in article of Decree 1072 of 2015, corresponds to the Ministry of Justice and the Law, within the framework of the protection of workers’ safety and health at work, must design, develop a plan of job annual for the compliance of those as per the objectives of S.G. –SST. It is worth mentioning that the goals, responsibilities, resources, and schedule of activities must be identified in accordance with the minimum standards of the System. In compliance as per above mentioned law, the Ministry presents
the Plan of Safety and Health at work effectively in 2022 and committed to promote health in the workplace of work, prevention, the classification, and the determination of risk for promoting care and well-being of servers and contractors. By setting achievable goals that facilitate an excellent implementation of SG-SST based on the principles of the PHVA (Plan, Do, Check cycle and Act) to such an extent that the legal requirements enshrined in Resolution 0312 of 2019.


safety and health at work, occupational health and safety management system, work accidents, occupational diseases
