Structural normative of consumer textile technologies entrepreneurship and the sustainability in Southwest Rural Areas of Nigeria
The study examined the sustainability of consumer textile technology entrepreneurship amidst its structural normative in southwest rural area of Nigeria. It explicitly analyzed entrepreneurial cultural traits and economics agility needs related variables of the entrepreneurship influences on sustainability. The study was conducted in the rural southwestern region of Nigeria. Four states (Lagos, Ondo, Oyo, and Ogun) were randomly selected from the region. Multi-stage and stratified sampling techniques were used in selecting 1,649 consumer textile entrepreneurs across the states. Questionnaire, key informants and focus group discussion (FGD) guides were employed in data collection. While descriptive statistics were used in describing the data, correlation analysis was applied in establishing direction of influence between sustainability and structural normative of consumer textile technologies entrepreneurship Sustainability level of the entrepreneurship in southwest rural area of Nigeria was average. Respondents were independent entrepreneurs of favorable attitude towards the enterprise. While 52.7 percent were averagely proactive, 58.8 percent were averagely risk-averse with exhibition of low creativities skill on the entrepreneurship. The entrepreneurs possessed average knowledge of competitive advantage and networking strategies needs on the job but skills practices was poor. While 33.0 percent exhibits fairly good managerial skill on the job, 20.8 percent displayed high, and 46.2 percent was low. CTT entrepreneurial traits needs related variables {proactive aptitude (r = 0.620), autonomy value (r = 0.591), fatalism (r = -0.317), marketing system (r=0.574), disposition (r= 0.409), risk averse (r= -0.344), and economic agility needs {(competitive strategic skill (r = 0.318), networking (r = 0.501), labor accessibility (r = 0.321)} showed significant relationship with sustainability. It was established that respondent’s proficient in CTTE entrepreneurial traits related variables and economic agility were paramount in the sustainability, nevertheless there is need to establish related schools or vocational training centers for skill acquisitions and updating on the entrepreneurship in the studied area. Change agents and other related organizations that were involve in technology transfer and rural development should create awareness program on potential values and benefits of the entrepreneurship mostly in turning wastes to wealth. This would enhance enlightenment for building better positive attitudes toward CTTE. The environment must be made livable through job creation and accessible infrastructure to prevent migration and attracts youth’s influxes into the community. This would also enhance labour availability and patronage. Standard cluster market should be established in the vicinity to enhance expertise and inputs supply.
sustainability, consumer textile, entrepreneurship, technologies, structural normative, rural area