Intestinal adenocarcinoma of the uterine cervix with gastrointestinal metastasis
- MOJ Surgery
Sergio Villalobos Acosta,1 Alan Josué Pedraza Pioquinto,2 Gallardo Navarro Elias,3 Fernando Díaz Roesch,2 Martínez Moreno Félix,1 Elia María Ortiz Colin,4 Dante Carbajal Ocampo5
Introduction: Endocervical
adenocarcinomas represent a very heterogeneous group of tumors. Mucinous
adenocarcinoma of the intestinal type is a rare histologic variant.
Clinical case: 38-year-old
female patient, who consulted for abnormal uterine bleeding, as well as more
frequent cycles accompanied by dysmenorrhea, denying any other added
symptomatology. She also underwent speculoscopy where a verrucous lesion was
found, hypervascularized at that time, a biopsy which reported endocervical
mucosa with moderate chronic inflammation and papillary, mild vascular
congestion, compatible with endocervical polyp and MRI with enlarged uterus
with thickened endometrium myometrium and nodular endometriotic implant of
cystic appearance in the cervical isthmus junction. Due to the persistence of
the symptoms it was decided to perform a total hysterectomy by laparoscopy,
intraoperatively moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma implants were
observed, compatible with endocervical primary. It was decided not to continue
with the surgical time for neoadjuvant chemotherapy management.
Conclusion: Establishing the
preoperative anatomopathologic diagnosis is decisive to improve the treatment
to reduce morbidity and mortality of the patient.
cervical adenocarcinoma of intestinal type, metastasis, abdominal pain, endometriosis