Bacteriological analysis of suya meat sold in nkwo market of okija and the associated health implications
- Journal of Microbiology & Experimentation
Osuji MI,1
Odili MC,2
Okafor MO,2
Udeogu CV,3
Unegbu VN4
This research work was done to ascertain the bacterial load of Suya sold in Nkwo market of Okija town in Ihiala LGA of Anambra State. It was also done to reveal the health implication of the suya. Three samples of Suya were randomly collected from suya sellers within the market. The samples were analyzed microbiologically using spread plate technique. The bacterial isolates were identified. The isolates were identified as Staphylococcus spp., Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp. The total bacterial count for the isolates were 2.5 x 10³, 4.3 x 104 and 5.4 x 10³ respectively. For the coliform count, 0.5 x103 , 3.0 x 103 and 1.2 x 103 were identified. The presence of Staphylococcus is associated with cross contamination from meat handlers during processing, the presence of Escherichia coli is probably due to use of contaminated water during washing of raw meat while Klebsiella spp. is most likely transmitted from the hands of meat workers. This calls for improved production hygiene and public health awareness. Education and awareness campaign should be organized for the Suya seller on the proper hygienic practices to adopt during suya processing.
colony, isolation, dilution, incubation, agar, contamination, coliform