Spontaneous abscess of the cervical posterior simple meningocele of child: A rare case and literature review
- Journal of Neurology & Stroke
Ousmane Issoufou Hamma,1
Wilfred Dossou,1,2 Kpègnon Nicaise Agada,1,2
Laté Dzidoula Lawson,1,2 Haboubacar
Chaïbou Sodé1
Simple meningocele is a rare subtype of spinal cord malformation, with meninges and cerebrospinal fluid protruding into the subcutaneous tissue through a defect in the spinal column. However, the skin covering the defect is intact. If the cyst protrudes dorsally from the spinal canal, we speak of simple posterior meningocele. Simple posterior cervical meningocele is a very rare clinical entity. Spontaneous abscess of spinal dysraphism is an extremely rare complication that occurs when surgical cure is delayed. We report an exceptional case of simple posterior cervical meningocele complicated by an abscess requiring emergency surgery. This case highlights the importance of performing surgery within 24-48 hours of birth.
Meningocele, neural tube defects, spinal dysraphisms, Spinal cord malformations