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Musical project in Spanish care home

MOJ Gerontology & Geriatrics
<font face="Arial, Verdana"><span style="font-size: 13.3333px;">Ana M Vernia Carrasco</span></font>

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The musicall project is an initiative that shares research personnel in the field of music
with the collaboration of the psychology branch. It will be developed in a senior center
in Betxí, with the agreement of the government of the Valencian community regarding
senior citizens and the collaboration of the management of the center where the project
will be implemented. Active music will be used to generally improve the quality of life of
participants, family members, caregivers and employees. All of this will take place in 14
sessions, which will end in June 2024, where participants will receive a series of activities
related to different musical competitions simultaneously.


improve the quality of life, potential benefits, musicall psychology
