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Rehabilitation, enablement, and ethical challenges in the Brazilian criminal justice system

Forensic Research & Criminology International Journal
Sandra Regina Martini,<sup>1</sup> Stéphani Fleck da Rosa<sup>2</sup>


Electronic monitoring, currently used as a criminal tool focused on rehabilitation and recidivism reduction, still reflects racial and social inequality, with Black individuals, the poor, and men being the majority in incarceration statistics. While “green justice” seeks context-sensitive approaches and social reintegration, technology is still used as an instrument of control and surveillance in the Criminal Justice System, highlighting the persistence of criminal biopolitics. Also analyses the Maria da Penha Law with news instruments for reassocialization of domestic violence authors. This study adopts a qualitative, hermeneutic, and interpretive approach, seeking to understand e-carceration as a technological decoration of the Criminal Justice System and exploring alternatives to mass incarceration, aiming for a more just and equitable society in line with Sustainable Development Goal 16.


electronic monitoring, ODS-16, desistance, green justice
