Occupational therapy and chronic pain - the didactic experience at academic pain league at the University of São Paulo medical school
- Hospice & Palliative Medicine International Journal
Marilia Bense Othero PhD,1 Gabriela Zeoti Silva,2 Jheniffer Gonzaga Ferreira,2 Leticia Rodrigues Viana,2 Samanta Della Passe,2 MD Gabriel Taricani Kubota,3 Manoel Jacobsen Teixeira PhD4
Occupational Therapy interventions for people with chronic pain focus on promoting
independence/autonomy and rescuing meaningful activities (interrupted after the
limitations brought about by illness). Various strategies can be used, such as: guidance on
energy conservation and joint protection techniques, prescription and/or manufacture of
positioning devices, prescription and/or manufacture of assistive technology equipment,
development of creative and expressive activities, training activities of daily living,
environmental assessment, guidance for family members and caregivers. This article aims
to present the implementation of the Occupational Therapy Service at the FMUSP Pain
League, developed since 2023. The work focused on implementing Occupational Therapy
as one of the professions that make up the FMUSP Pain League, on a permanent and
continuous basis; and, in addition, allow undergraduates teaching opportunities (theoretical
and practical) related to the multidisciplinary care of people with chronic pain, as well
as promoting research actions in the area of Occupational Therapy and Chronic Pain. In
OT, a student and the supervising teacher work, together with the multidisciplinary team.
Activities are weekly and take place at night. Remote and in-service supervision is carried
out. The implementation took place in 3 stages. In the first stage, we sought to understand
the dynamics of the league, as well as characterize the patients and their specific demands,
through participant observation. The second stage was structured around the specific OT
intervention; evaluations of league users were carried out, with the application of evaluation
and recording instruments. The third stage focused on monitoring patients and families,
with new assessments carried out when necessary. Interventions follows through individual
plan care, family guidance, development of educational material, prescription and/or
production of assistive technology devices. The service uses a specific evolution form and
the data feeds into a service database. We consider that the results obtained are satisfactory,
as theoretical and practical learning was possible for the participating student. Currently,
Occupational Therapy is already part of the League’s routine activities, with participation
in the Introductory Course, in the Board of Directors and in planning activities for 2024
chronic pain, occupational therapy, university extension project, hospital care