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Comprehensive care for athletes: The dentist as an expert in their assessment and management

Nursing & Care Open Access Journal
Cabal-Escandón V,1 Bermúdez-Gómez D,2 Buenahora-Tobar M3


Applied dentistry in the field of sports is a relatively recent practice that requires the participation of various professionals responsible for improving and managing the oral and systemic health of athletes. It is a field that still has few professionals trained to meet the increasing demands of recreational sports activities, the requirements for high-performance athletes, and the high standards set for professional athletes. Both recreational and professional sports are in continuous development, which can sometimes lead to a greater risk of trauma during practices and sporting events. Incorporating dentistry into sports settings will allow for an improved approach to oral health, oral diseases, and systemic manifestations that affect the overall health of athletes from a comprehensive perspective. This will contribute to addressing a field that currently has very little coverage, positively impacting the quality of life and performance of amateur and high-performance athletes. 


dentistry, sport, oral health, sport settings, high performance
