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The importance of clothing in solving homicide crimes, and the integration between the specialized services of the civil police of the state of Rio de Janeiro

Forensic Research & Criminology International Journal
Claude Jacques Chambriard,<sup>1</sup> Gabriela Graça Suares Pinto,<sup>2</sup> Marcos Paulo Salles Machado,<sup>3</sup> Andrei S. Santos,<sup>4</sup> José Vitor Rodrigues Dias<sup>5</sup>


This paper sets out to address the relevance of the analysis of clothing in association with human remains in order to elucidate homicide crimes, as well as to shed light on the importance of the integration between the specialized services of the Civil Police of the State of Rio de Janeiro- Brazil. With this in mind, a case study is presented in which the integration between these services, as well as the accurate analysis of the victim’s clothes in association with the human remains, was fundamental for the elucidation of the dynamics, means and cause of death in the case.


clothing, forensic anthropology, homicide, integration
