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Social determinants of health and teenage pregnancy: an integrative review

MOJ Public Health
Maria Helena Ribeiro De Checchi,1 Carla Fabiana Tenani,2 Alberto Sumiya,1 Carolina Matteussi Lino,3 Vitor De Checchi Garcia4


According to the World Health Organization, adolescence, which begins at the age of 10 and ends at 19, is full of transformations and is marked by a complex process of biopsychosocial development. Pregnancy in adolescence is seen as precocious and represents one of the most worrying events related to sexuality and health. The aim of this study was to understand the relationship between the SDH and teenage pregnancy, and thus provide scientific support for the development of public policies aimed at this segment of the population. This is an integrative literature review, carried out in the PubMed, Scielo and LILACS databases. Articles published between 2011 and 2021 were selected. Fourteen articles were found, but after applying the eligibility criteria, only eight were analyzed. The results were grouped into categories: social determinants of health and teenage pregnancy, association between health education and teenage pregnancy, level of knowledge of adolescents. There was a relationship between the social determinants of health and teenage pregnancy, and a focus on sex education and access to contraceptive services and methods emerged. Despite these findings, it is still necessary to understand the macro determinants, in which the socioeconomic, political and cultural spheres are fundamental and require greater public health interventions.


teenage pregnancy, social determinants of health, heath education, public health
