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Decision-making in pediatric specialist training

Biometrics & Biostatistics International Journal
Dr C Lourdes Pérez Toledo,1 Dr C Miriam Iglesias León,2 Dr C Adrian Abreus González,3 Dr C Manuel E. Cortés Cortés3


The training of pediatric specialists has gone through several stages over the years. The analysis of decision-making is essential in the training of this specialist. The aim of this work is to evaluate decision-making in the training of this professional, with its corresponding premises, stages, objectives, and concrete actions, following the logic of the Clinical Method. The feasibility and relevance of this proposal was corroborated by means of the Delphi Method, which makes it possible to calculate the numerical ray, and the identification of the different stages, objectives and concrete actions in the numerical range of excellence. This was also corroborated by Kendall’s W statistical method through the assessment of a group of experts, who were previously selected for their level of competence on the subject.


pediatric specialist, mathematical statistical methods
