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Analysis of determinates for the adoption of agricultural technologies by family farmers in the administrative post of OCUA, Northern Mozambique

Journal of Applied Biotechnology & Bioengineering
Dalmildo Agostinho Machine,1 Lleida Palmira Domingos Madeira Castiano,1 Bilde Agostinho Machine,2 Adérito Jeremias Vicente da Silva3


The adoption of new technologies in agriculture has attracted special attention in economic development because they offer the opportunity to substantially increase production and income. Therefore, the present research aims to analyze the potential factors for the adoption of agricultural technologies by farmers in the family sector in the Administrative Post of Ocua. To carry out the research, semi-structured interviews were carried out to collect information/data, which were then processed using Excel and SPSS software. The results show that around 73% adopt row cultivation using the compasses and density recommended for each type of crop, 54% use improved seeds, 52% apply some type of irrigation, 33% seed conservation, 32% use organic fertilizers, 34% use tractors and 21% capture and conserve rainwater on the farm. Regarding the determining factors for the adoption of different agricultural technologies, 91% point to Access to rural extension services, followed by Access to agricultural credit (89%) and membership in a farmer association (78%). Another significant part points to formal education at a rate of 53% and finally access to information on agricultural products at a rate of 42%. Access to credit, access to extension consultancy services and members of farmer associations are more likely to adopt new agricultural technologies.


agrarian technologies, agriculture in the family sector and community
