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Duck rearing in polythene pond for economic gain and sustainable livelihood : a study


Village duck production plays a vital role towards nutritional requirements and sustainable
livelihood of small and marginal farmers. A study was carried out with ~ 200 farmers
to assess the performance and economic gain of Khaki Campbell ducks maintained in
polythene ponds. Besides training and capacity building, the farmers were supplied with
critical inputs like polythene sheet (to construct a small water body), day-old ducklings,
initial starter feed, and little medication to initiate the duck unit of their own. The activities
of farmers in duck rearing were monitored and data regarding body weight, mortality, age at
first egg in the flock, total egg production, egg weight, and finally income generated through
the practice up to a period of 40 weeks. The observation revealed the average body weight
of ducks surpassed 1500g at 20 weeks of age with less than 15 percent mortality under the
backyard production system. Data from 30 units were recorded as per the format provided
and found that the average age of initiation of egg laying was 143 days, the average number
of egg production in the flock was 903 (up to 40 weeks age) with an average egg weight of
60 g at 40th week. The study revealed that the average net profit of the farmer from a duck
unit through the sale of eggs and live ducks was INR 11,933/- which supports the livelihood
of farmer’s amily besides nutritional security to the family members.


Polythene pond, Khaki Campbell ducks, economic gain
