To the theory of absoluteity
A method for studying isolated systems is proposed, based on the introduction of specific parameters of the spatial heterogeneity of such systems. The method makes it possible to consider the deviation of a system from equilibrium both as a whole and for each inherent degree of freedom, without requiring the use of inertial reference systems and any postulates of SRT and GTR. On this basis, an alternative TR theory has been proposed, which allows one to find the absolute reference system (AFR) for any of the processes occurring in it. The application of this theory to mechanics reveals the inconsistency of the postulates of SRT and GTR and sets up the minimum number of adjustments that need to be introduced into mechanics and the theory of gravity in connection with recent discoveries in astrophysics. A modified form of Newton’s law has been found, which explains gravity by the inhomogeneous distribution of mass in space and predicts the existence of gravitational repulsive forces and “strong” gravity. Observational and experimental data are presented that confirm the main provisions of the proposed theory.
methodological principles, conservation laws, postulates of relativity, their inconsistency, the nature of gravity, alternative to relativity