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Gastroesophageal reflux disease and hiatal hernia protocol

Journal of Cancer Prevention & Current Research
Ulises Parada,<sup>1</sup> Valentina Elicegui,<sup>2</sup> Pereyra Joaquin,<sup>1 </sup> Taruselli Roberto,<sup>1 </sup> Alvaro Diaz de Liaño,<sup>3</sup> Luis Cazaban<sup>4</sup>


This chapter comprehensively addresses the fundamental aspects of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and hiatal hernia (HH), both pathologies often coexisting, significantly affecting the quality of life of patients. The most relevant pathophysiology, diagnosis, therapeutic options, indications and surgical techniques will be analyzed. Advances in medical, endoscopic and surgical treatments are examined, with a particular focus on the types of fundoplications. Likewise, the challenges faced by surgeons when treating patients with GERD and hiatal hernia are discussed, as well as the failure of antireflux surgery, seeking a balance between conservative treatments and invasive interventions to achieve the best long-term results.


