Role of social media in social legitimation of violence against woman
- Arts & Humanities Open Access Journal
Santiago Gallur Santorun,<sup>1</sup>
Jenerlis Arias
Arias<sup>2 </sup>
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Violence against women is a serious issue in many countries all around the world. In many countries the violence is not only physical but psychological, even social, in many different ways and aspects. Particularly, in the Dominican Republic, young women´s concubinage is quite common. Civil marriages are becoming less frequent in the country and situations linked to concubinage leave young women in need of legal defense (despite the fact that it is included in the constitution) in any situation that involves going to court, since it must be proved. Thus, there is no registry of cohabiting couples and these types of relationships occur in such a way that it is common for a man to have several cohabiting relationships at the same time, even if they are legally married. All of this generates that, when there are deaths, inheritance claims, paternity claims or situations of domestic violence, an entire media paraphernalia is activated with a series of news items linked to the real or false existence of the couple. This situation is extreme in the case of the exponents of urban music in the country, since on certain occasions “fake news” or “clickbait” are generated, with the sole objective of promoting marketing strategies so that the music of said artists “sounds” and goes viral. Such is the case of the artist known as “Yailín la más viral” who became known nationally and internationally when she began a “toxic” love relationship with the Puerto Rican artist “Anuel.” Shortly after breaking this relationship, another one began with the urban artist of Mexican origin “Takashi 69”. The mutual public accusations of domestic violence, physical and verbal attacks, ended up leading to the arrest of “la más viral” in the United States, accused of violence against “Takashi 69”. All of this has caused a constant wave of attacking and defending comments against said artist, through social networks (such as YouTube) like the YouTube channel “Alofoke Radioshow”.
Domestic violence, Social Media, Fake News, Social perception, Concubinage, Dominican Republic