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Effects of physical load on the health of workers of a Colombian company

MOJ Public Health
Elías Alberto Bedoya Marrugo,<sup>1</sup> Irma Osorio Giraldo,<sup>2</sup> Claudia Bermúdez Patiño<sup>3</sup>

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Evaluate the physical load derived from the workers of a Colombian company in the city of Cartagena. The type of investigation is descriptive as a technique; direct observations were used in the workplace, and interviews with the 30 workers were conducted during the operational process of civil and mechanical activities. The data collection instruments used were the Nordic survey and the OWAS method. Of the 30 employees in the study were found in 3% found the possibility of causing damage to the skeletal muscle system; in 11%, there are postures with harmful effects on the musculoskeletal system; finally, the load caused by postures with harmful effects on the musculoskeletal system is more frequent in 83%; thus, the mechanical activity predominates with the greatest physical load during the execution; of which 40% presents discomfort in the lumbar spine.


evaluate, OWAS, mechanical activity, civil activity
