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Female workers’ knowledge about breast cancer preventive measures at Beni-Suef University

Nursing & Care Open Access Journal
Fatma Saber Nady,<sup>1</sup> Sahar Gamal Zaki,<sup>2</sup> Hanan Elzeblawy Hassan<sup>3</sup>

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Background: Global estimates reveal striking inequities in the breast cancer burden according to human development. The best cancer therapy is prevention. Primary prevention involves health promotion and risk reduction in the general population so that invasive cancers do not develop. Aim: assess female workers’ knowledge about breast cancer preventive measures at BeniSuef University. Subjects and Methods: A purposeful sample of 323 Beni-Suef University working women was chosen. Tools: a) Women’s knowledge of breast cancer, breast self-examination, and breast cancer prevention strategies is evaluated using a structured interviewing questionnaire sheet. b) Questionnaire on Health Belief Models. c) Checklist of Preventive Measures for Breast Cancer. Results: illustrated that 71.8% of studied sample had poor levels of knowledge regarding breast cancer. Moreover, 52.3% had negative beliefs based on health belief model regarding breast cancer, breast self-examination, and breast cancer preventive measures, 81.4% of the female workers have inadequate practice preventive measures. Also, 90.1% of the female workers have inadequate practice for breast self-examination. The main source of information was social media (44.9%). Conclusion: most of the studied female workers had poor knowledge and negative attitude toward all sub-items of health belief model regarding breast cancer, breast self-examination, and breast cancer preventive measures. Moreover, most of them had inadequate practice regarding preventive measures and breast self-examination. Recommendations: Implement an educational program to enhance women’s knowledge regarding breast cancer and its preventive measures


workers’ knowledge, breast cancer
